I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Make sure you migrate your subscriptions before midnight! And, now on to some totally random instagram shots from my week.
Don't lose me!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
You guys all know that Google Reader is gone as of tomorrow, right? So, unless you want to put me in your bookmark bar (which would be so sweet, I could wave at you every now and then) you'll need to find a reader to keep track of all the blogs you read. Cause, I just had this horrifying thought: what if we never find each other again? Remedy that now by migrating your Google Reader subscriptions to another reader like Bloglovin or Feedly. (I'm actually using both until I decide which reader works for my ridiculous-amount-of-blog-reading needs).
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Taking the ferry to Brooklyn, from my instagram feed |
So, yesterday I was having one of those days. You know what I'm talking about. Those days that fester under your skin, bubbling and broiling upwards until you could almost shriek with frustration? Well, instead of shrieking, I decided to leave my desk and go for a walk. Five minutes and two blocks later I could feel my shoulders relaxing, my feet melting into the sidewalk on this late June day. A few rounds of the Chelsea streets (and a side trip to the Kate Spade Saturday store) and I felt composed enough to return to my office.
Things improved even more later on that evening, with a lovely meal at a new Indian restaurant in my neighborhood [and a rather large beer consumed at that dinner]. And now, as my body surrenders gratefully to my pillows, I can say it wasn't a bad day after all. I just needed a little perspective.
As we all do.
But before you do anything else, take a little trip over to Caitlin's beautiful little home on the internet, where she astounds me post after post. She's written a poem, and put it to music, and I don't think you should miss it.
interior design
If I had a garden, I'd create this cozy summer reading nook for myself. Of course, we'd have to live in Utah with no rain all summer, and that's definitely not happening. But anyway, Mandi at Vintage Revivals created it, and it's gorgeous.
Sorry, I'm always showing you Swedish homes! I can't help it, something they do with the light there makes me sigh and covet. My Scandinavian Home posted this restored Swedish farmhouse. Check out the saddle over the cross beam in the living room!
I love the thought of crafting but never really get around to it. But I think these cute hanging flower jars from Drifter & the Gypsy look simple and pretty enough to try out.
Angel food cake hasn't been attempted in this apartment yet. BUT if it was? I'd try out these angel food cupcakes with coconut lemongrass whipped cream from Carey at Reclaiming Provincial.
Cool off during this heatwave (here in NYC anyway) with this insanely good looking summer lemon rye cocktail from House of Brinson. I think I'd like to sip on this while I watch the July 4th fireworks.
Turning on the oven in the summer is tantamount to death in my apartment. These no-bake orange cream tartlets with berries from Ashlae at Oh, Ladycakes ought to do the trick. Plus she's heading off on a 4-month trip around Europe so that's exciting!
Turning on the oven in the summer is tantamount to death in my apartment. These no-bake orange cream tartlets with berries from Ashlae at Oh, Ladycakes ought to do the trick. Plus she's heading off on a 4-month trip around Europe so that's exciting!
I want everything about this outfit on Gary Pepper. I think it would be the perfect dress, bag, and shoes to wear to a summer wedding. Sadly (or not so sadly?) I don't have any summer weddings to attend this year, so I'll have to invent an occasion.
I dream of visiting an empty Met as Alice Gao of Lingered Upon recently did.
Here are some more photos from Alt Summit last Wednesday and Thursday, all photos by Justin Hackworth (sponsored by Atly):

Alt Design Summit NYC 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Hey guys, I was so excited to attend the Alt Design Summit on Thursday! It's a blogger conference, held semi-annually, that focuses on blogs in the design and creative world. We had a full day of panels and speakers to learn from. It was so inspiring to attend, especially because we were at Martha Stewart's offices and the light, oh wow, the light that pours in from those windows. It felt magical. But before I got to Alt on Thursday, I was invited to a dinner the night before out in the Brooklyn kitchen, Sunday Suppers, another truly magical place that I've been dying to go to for ages. I took the ferry over from Manhattan and got to see the city from a crazy awesome viewpoint. I fell in love with NYC all over again.
I got off the ferry in Williamsburg and walked a block to a large grey building, when the Sunday Suppers kitchen was. I was kind of obsessed with the light here too.
There were about 30 other lovely women there. I chatted with Jenny, Mara, Megan, and a host of others. Internet friends became real life friends, and it rocked. So did dinner.
Then, Thursday began bright and early with a crafting session before we settled in for a mind blowing keynote talk by Design Sponge's Grace Bonney. Here's what I took away from Grace:
- Change is a given, your readers already expect frequent change, so don't think you'll be rewarded for it.
- When you make that change, some readers will complain. Absorb the kickback and move on.
- Find a core mission statement -- but make it flexible.
- Be an early adapter/adopter. Don't resist new technology and apps. Just go for it and sign up for new social media forms as soon as they appear, even if you just maintain a bare bones presence there it's important.
- Learn more about rejection therapy (basically keep asking for things until you're not fazed by hearing "no" any more. Or until you start hearing "yes".)
- Write down your biggest fears and biggest goals. And then take the first step to change.
Garance Dore. It wrapped up with a cocktail party complete with all the Martha Stewart touches. Like giant party paper flowers and boatloads of color-coded candy. Yes, color-coded.
Later on, the party spilled out onto the roof and we watched the sun set over the Hudson. If I worked there I think I'd be hanging out up there all the time.
I went home deliriously happy and mulling over the closing keynote speech by Garance. Here's what she passed on:
- You're a business, even if you don't think you are.
- You can't do it on your own (admit when you need help)
- Branch out (but stay on the same tree). As in, make the different parts of your blog relate in some way.
- Don't network -- but if you have to, at least work with friends.
It was so much fun, and I definitely want to do it again next year (if I can get in). Those are just my own photos and I cannot wait to see the professional photographer's shots of the events.
I hope you guys had a great weekend!
I'm at Alt today!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
I seem to be falling asleep at inopportune times lately. Like, I fell asleep on my yoga mat on Wednesday night and woke up an hour later and it was after midnight. And then I had to stumble around, bleary eyed and foggy just so I could brush my teeth quickly and fall into my bed. Although, as a coworker pointed out to me the next day, it was probably a good sign that my body was relaxed after yoga, I'm still feeling like my body just wants to sleep all the time. Meanwhile my brave husband is training for the NYC marathon this November, and is raising money for the Children's Tumor Foundation, so he's working out like a fiend at all hours, and I can barely keep my eyes open for a 1 hour yoga mat session!
As Shiva Rea says, "in time we open, on all levels".
I'll just keep that in mind, if I can stay awake long enough.
Jenny Komenda and her family are moving out of New York City! To Arizona! Sorry for all the exclamation points. I'm happy for her family and excited to see her renovate a huge home this time. But, I'm also a little sad. I love her style and loved that she blogged from NYC and I'll miss seeing her share what she loves about the city. She has shared photos of her new house here.
Back to NYC bloggers: Daniel at Manhattan Nest always makes me laugh. His post on a desk/drawer redo seems like it would be pretty straightforward and possibly a bit boring, but his adventures had me chuckling out loud while I sat alone in my living room today.
Emily Henderson made the cutest video ever with her assistant Orlando on picking the right rug size for your room. If I didn't have young children, I'd go for that cream Moroccan-style rug by West Elm that she ends up with.
I love this new Vogue cooking series by model Elettra Wiedemann where she gets together in the kitchen with all the fun people in her life. So far, she's cooked with Grace Coddington, Seth Meyers, and Blake Lively.
Butter in coffee?? You don't do it, do you? The Kitchn asks why and offers some reasons. I'm not sure it's something I'll ever try.
Strawberries are bursting their seams at the farmer's market and I'm bursting to put them in mascarpone cheesecake tart with rosemary kissed strawberries from Butter Me Up Brooklyn.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend.
As Shiva Rea says, "in time we open, on all levels".
I'll just keep that in mind, if I can stay awake long enough.
interior design
Jenny Komenda and her family are moving out of New York City! To Arizona! Sorry for all the exclamation points. I'm happy for her family and excited to see her renovate a huge home this time. But, I'm also a little sad. I love her style and loved that she blogged from NYC and I'll miss seeing her share what she loves about the city. She has shared photos of her new house here.
Back to NYC bloggers: Daniel at Manhattan Nest always makes me laugh. His post on a desk/drawer redo seems like it would be pretty straightforward and possibly a bit boring, but his adventures had me chuckling out loud while I sat alone in my living room today.
Emily Henderson made the cutest video ever with her assistant Orlando on picking the right rug size for your room. If I didn't have young children, I'd go for that cream Moroccan-style rug by West Elm that she ends up with.
I love this new Vogue cooking series by model Elettra Wiedemann where she gets together in the kitchen with all the fun people in her life. So far, she's cooked with Grace Coddington, Seth Meyers, and Blake Lively.
Butter in coffee?? You don't do it, do you? The Kitchn asks why and offers some reasons. I'm not sure it's something I'll ever try.
Strawberries are bursting their seams at the farmer's market and I'm bursting to put them in mascarpone cheesecake tart with rosemary kissed strawberries from Butter Me Up Brooklyn.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend.
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some scenes from last weekend in Pennsylvania. How come cats look like they know everything? |
Borne back
Monday, June 10, 2013
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
I love that closing line to The Great Gatsby. But it's such a sad thought: are we all doomed to repeat the past? I was thinking about that a bit as I traveled down to Pennsylvania to my family's house for the weekend. It's so easy to find yourself slipping back into old familial and deferential roles. It's so easy to feel like a child again.
DVF rocks my world. She is such a powerful and inspiring woman. The New Potato has a great interview with Diane's personal chef, Jane Coxwell. She gets to cook for Diane on her boat, how cool is that?
This Crepes of Wrath Brooklyn lemonade would hit the spot on these strange rainy (but still hot) days we've been having. It has bourbon, beer, AND lemonade! Hello lover.
What's up with doughnuts being everywhere on the web right now? I have to tackle these maple sea-salt beauties on Edible Perspective. (Just figured out it was National Doughnut Day on Friday, duh.)
Now that I'm growing out my hair (it's longer than it's ever been in my life!) I want to see if I can try out new hairstyles. Loving this simple banded chignon on Camille Styles.
I need to reach beyond my regular dark blazers, and try out patterned ones like this gorgeous striped blazer modeled by the fabulous Wendy on Wendy's Lookbook.
interior design
79 Ideas just kind of blew my mind with this gorgeous Silver Lake home. Those shiny dark wood floors only work in a home with tons of light, and wow are they stunning.
Alice Gao travelled to Stockholm and stayed in the most amazing apartment. Thankfully for us she documented her stay. It's kind of hard to believe that kind of light exists.
hard to define
Show your support for Grace Bonney today as she shares some deeply personal news with us.
James at Bleubird Vintage snaps a photo of her four children every week and I've grown to love her series. I wish I could be disciplined enough with my camera to do it too.
Here's some Refinery 29 advice for all those women out there striving for equal pay in the workplace.
I know the last thing you need is another way to waste time on the internet, but this one is really fun, I promise! Check out the Geoguessr and have fun trying to guess what part of the world the random images come from!
I'm going to try out making my own deodorant! I've been shamefully using a Dove stick for a while now while I try and figure out a non-aluminum choice that actually works. So I was excited to find that Apartment Therapy has a recipe to create your own.
See you later this week!
Catching up
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
These peonies on my kitchen table are killing me with their scent and pinkness. |
I'm trying to watch some back episodes of Game of Thrones before someone tells me about the latest episode. All I saw was a lot of "wtf?" on facebook and twitter, so don't give it away! I've read the books, but it feels like years ago now. So this post has been delayed by days because I'm trying feverishly to catch up before all is revealed.
I can't resist these blackberry donuts with vanilla bean glaze from Naturally Ella. I think they would be the perfect breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I haven't tackled hand pies yet but this recipe for honeyed chicken hand pies on Inn at the Crossroads (the official Game of Thrones food blog) looks like a good one.
Eva at Adventures in Cooking wants you to join her book club and while you're there you can enjoy these boozy lime, honey, lemongrass popsicles!
Sarah at A House in the Hills has constructed my dream summer outfit, although if I'm being totally honest with myself, I'd probably swap out the neon heels for some neon yellow flats.
I'm forever and always in love with stripes. My family makes fun of me, and quite frankly I don't care. Erin at Elements of Style agrees. She's put together a roundup of some cute striped clothing out there.
hard to define
I'm attending Alt Design Summit on June 20th and I'm so excited to connect with friends and fellow bloggers. Plus the keynote speakers are Grace Bonney and Garance Dore! Yippeee. If you're going, let me know!
It's summer!!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Well, it certainly feels like summer here in the city. The heavy, humid heat has descended upon the streets, making me dart from shady spot to shady spot as I walk to work in the mornings. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. For a while there, it felt like winter was never going to end. It just never feels like spring is long enough. I hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend. I'm thinking about making a trip up to the Elephant's Trunk flea market in New Milford, CT on Sunday to scope out the show and maybe finally get that bedside table and lamp I've been searching for. Oooh, and I also want to grab a bunch of peonies before their tiny season ends. Those flowers look incredible on my dark dinner table.
interior design
It's flea market season, and excitement over Brimfield and other northeast flea markets is hitting the blogs. Raina Kattleson of A Stylist's Life did a guest post for Decor8 on her Brimfield finds. See part 1 here from stylist, Meagan Camp.
We're on the search for a new bed this summer, so I found Jenny's mattress recommendations helpful.
Looking to outfit your dream guest room? Domaine has you covered with these pretty essentials.
Check out this work wear post from Erin at Apartment 34 about how to mix and match your work suits so that you're not so bored.
I'm kind of going crazy over Call Me Cupcake's recipe for lilac sugar, how amazing would that taste in my cup of earl grey?
My next baking frontier is icing and I'm hell bent on creating this rose buttercream cake by Coco Cake Land on Poppytalk. I mean, it's just the most beautifully decorated cake I've ever seen!
Jessica found me another use for the jars of coconut oil that I cannot stop buying at Trader Joe's (seriously, it's a problem). Oh yeah, and it's milk chocolate mousse with coconut whipped cream, so how can you even refuse that?
Enjoy your weekend!
My next baking frontier is icing and I'm hell bent on creating this rose buttercream cake by Coco Cake Land on Poppytalk. I mean, it's just the most beautifully decorated cake I've ever seen!
Jessica found me another use for the jars of coconut oil that I cannot stop buying at Trader Joe's (seriously, it's a problem). Oh yeah, and it's milk chocolate mousse with coconut whipped cream, so how can you even refuse that?
Enjoy your weekend!