Friday picks and unplug!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

ripening blueberries


Don't you hate when you buy a whole package of fresh herbs, like rosemary or thyme, and you only end up using a few sprigs then the rest goes moldy in the fridge? Is that just me? Well anyway, I thought this tip for freezing herbs in olive oil found over at The Kitchn today was GENIUS, like pure genius, not to mention pretty. So pretty. You could just pop a frozen olive herb ice cube into your winter stew and voila, instant flavor in the dead of winter! You could also freeze the herbs in butter.

A slice of this honey and lavender cake on Design Sponge would go great with my nightly cup of tea. It would probably go great with anything really.

Interior design:

Who doesn't dream of having enough space in your home for a cozy reading nook? I think I pinned every single one of these.


It's a day late, but you can still participate! Giveaway at Cup of Jo for a $200 gift certificate to the summer shop Everything But Water.

The Daybook giveaway from Ruche, the super cool clothing site. They have just debuted an itty bitty collection for children and you can win a $100 gift certificate to anything on the site.

And last, a really interesting article on the extinction of down time. It has been written about a lot, and I'm guilty of the constant connection to electronic devices myself. But some serious unplugging is needed this weekend.

Have a beautiful weekend and make sure unplug (after you read this, of course).


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