Happy weekend, photos, and a friend's book!

Friday, August 31, 2012

I hope you guys all have lovely plans for the weekend, my plans are, well, plans to do nothing but soak in this last weekend of summer. It has been a full week: three sets of friends had babies and there was visiting and snuggling and marveling over new and tiny beings. So it's with a happy heart that I head into this holiday weekend. Here are a few snapshots of my week:

It's always a good day when you get the advance copies of a book you've worked on with an author, but it's an even better day when you get the advance copy of a book a friend has written! Words can't really express how delighted and excited I am for Luisa of The Wednesday Chef. I got my advance copy of her new book, My Berlin Kitchen, this week, and haven't stopped reading it since. I can't wait for you guys to read it. I know you'll love it as much as I do. It's packed full with memories from childhood all the way up to her amazing wedding in Italy last summer. I had the good fortune to attend that incredible event and I'll never forget the views from her mother's garden or the smells and sounds of the wind sighing through the trees as we celebrated. I'll write more about the recipes later as I plan to try some out and report back. But for now, check out that pretty jacket:

Enjoy your weekend!

Aaron Sorkin is in my head

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Am I the only one watching Newsroom on HBO? Is anyone else out there enjoying it? I'm watching the season finale as I type this post. It's one of those shows (like West Wing) where the characters go into long, idealistic rants about life, morality, and politics; one of those shows that you listen to and think "oh, he just literally put my opinions and feelings into words - it's like Aaron Sorkin is in my head!" Are you guys watching it? What do you think?

Interior design:

I always thought I wanted a pure white kitchen with maybe pops of green, yellow, or red here and there. That is, until I saw this color saturated kitchen discovered by Erin over at House of Turquoise today.

Check out this super cute and unique house tour in DC on Apartment Therapy. The paint colors are really fun, but I'm having the most fun checking the comments to see how much she gets ripped apart for displaying the American flag as a curtain on her window.


This is the most decadent version of mac and cheese I've ever seen from Manger. It does involve a 3 hour braise of oxtail so I'll save it for a crisp, cold sunday in a few months.

I'd like to wash down the last few weeks of warm weather with this cucumber and mint gimlet from A Beautiful Mess.

Tim at Lottie + Doof does not like chocolate. Everyone knows this. So, when he posted this recipe for chocolate juniper cake I paid attention. I bet the juniper gives it a pine-y kick and I'm putting it on my list to try.

Win a copy of that Sprouted Kitchen book I mentioned yesterday on Love and Lemons.


This signature bar cart from Mrs. Lilien made me chuckle. I won't be spending $550 to buy one, but I still thought it looked cute.

Do you get girl crushes? You could buy a magazine about it! The site Got a Girl Crush has put out Issue 2 of their magazine featuring women in creative fields. This issue talks about Joy the Baker, among many other talented women.

Eye candy

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Macarons make me swoon. With their dreamy colors and chewy texture, I'm transported to a special sort of sugar high when I bite into one. So, when I met an author at her office on Monday and she handed me a box of Maison Ladurée macarons to take home I was super excited to eat them, but excited also to get some food photography practice. I hope you don't mind.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Some pretty flowers from an author's office today.

Can I get a do-over on the weekend, please? Can someone make this happen? We cannot seem to get rid of a tummy bug that keeps making the rounds in our household. Just when you think it's gone it strikes another member of the family. Luckily not all at the same time. I feel like we're slowly emerging from the haze and I'm hoping we've seen the back of this nasty virus.


Ugh, I don't really want to discuss food after that tummy bug intro, but there were some great posts out there today!

Some of the food bloggers are reviewing The Sprouted Kitchen by Sara and Hugh Forte. Those of us not lucky enough to get an advance copy will have to content ourselves with the recipes shared on the blogs: La Tartine Gourmande shares a recipe for toasty nuts, Canelle et Vanille reviews the ranchero breakfast tostada, Naturally Ella shares some roasted tomato soup, and Megan at A Sweet Spoonful cooks up some tasty almond meal cookies. I'm most excited about the coconut loaf that Jeanine and Jack at Love and Lemons posted today.

Here is the perfect recipe to pay homage to the sweet corn of summer and usher in Autumn: Andean Potato & Cheese Soup from The Kitchn.

I love this film by The Selby for NYTimes T Magazine on chefs cooking in the woods with morels they've just hunted with Connie Green.

QUITOKEETO is stocked and ready to go! Head over there for some raw honey, a gorgeous picnic knife, some sunflower oil, or even a vintage yellow dutch oven. Hurry up, things go fast (I'd suggest signing up for the newsletter so you're in the know).

Interior design:

Wow, check out this insane beach house from Rethink Design Studio (found via Young House Love). I'm in love with the white decor and pops of yellow and red. Yellow and gray have to be my favorite colors of the year. Also, there is a yellow desk in the bathroom!!

Win a beautiful print to decorate your home from Little Brown Pen.

Win a $750 store credit to spend at Bliss Home & Design! Just answer an easy question over at Young House Love to be entered to win.


Coveting these adorable Roald Dahl mugs found today on Cup of Jo. The BFG! Swoon.

Head over to Bonnie at Going Home to Roost to win a Sea and Cake triangle necklace.

You could win a $150 shopping spree at Shop Sosie, enter at A Beautiful Mess (you do have to create your own Pinterest board).

Win a cute camera bag from Bleubird.

That's it! See you tomorrow.

My day

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I think all the bloggers must be at Alt Summit, because there is barely any action on the blogs today.  

So I'll just post some photos of my day instead:

It started with breakfast ALONE at Sarabeth's; an unimaginable luxury these days:

 Is it weird that I took a photo in Sarabeth's bathroom? It just had such nice wallpaper!

I saw a pretty amazing door on my walk near Central Park:

Then, there was lunch for a coworker at ABC Kitchen. Delicious, by the way.

Of course I had to browse a little at ABC Carpet & Home!

Oh, and there was some work in there between breakfast, lunch, and afterwards, but you don't really want to see photos of that, do you?

'Till tomorrow.

Can we talk about Bachelor Pad?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's time to talk about it, you guys. It's time to stop playing around. I know you watch Bachelor Pad and I just know you're dying to discuss it with me. What? What's that you say? You don't like it and wouldn't touch the show with a ten foot pole? Well then, you'd better stop reading cause I'm going to talk about it...ANNNNNDDD here I go:
  • First of all, can we talk about Kalon? What's up with his shiny, shiny face? His lips look like they are connected to his chin, and ugh, I need to stop thinking about it.
  • Why does Lindzi have to spell her name that way? It's almost as annoying as her voice. And what does she see in Kalon? Why doesn't that shininess turn her off?
  • Chris came out of left field for me as a villain. I didn't see that on Emily's Bachelorette season.
  • And what about sweet Michael being parted from Rachel, their love having appeared to blossom overnight. I must admit, I almost shed a tear at the parting of the lovers. Damn you, Erica.
Okay, deep breath. I'm done now... until next week. What are your thoughts on this season?


Did you know that the White House brews its own beer? According to The Kitchn, President Obama carried several bottles with him on the campaign trail. The beer is made with honey from Michelle Obama's garden and now people are petitioning the White House for the recipe!

All of these summer memory posts are starting to make me sad, and summer isn't even over yet! But I still like this one by Mimi over at Manger. She also posts a recipe for chouquettes (sugar puffs) filled with chantilly cream. YUM.

Wow, this gorgeous focaccia bread with cherry tomatoes, olives, and thyme from Gourmande in the Kitchen looks like the most beautifully decorated piece of dough I've ever seen. To make it even better, it's a gluten- and grain-free recipe using coconut flour!

Interior design:

I love Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic fame. Her style is so easy and comfortable and doesn't feel too forced. She even has her own hotel in Round Top, Texas! Rachel lists her favorite summer things on Apartment Therapy today.

Lauren at Pure Style Home has a thing for botanical prints. She found hers at The Evolution Store in SoHo - a place I'm now planning on checking out. I hope I come back with some skulls (which would look wildly out of place in my apartment). It would be good to shake things up a little.


The Coveteur profiles actress Rachel Bilson and stylist Nicole Chavez, the ladies behind monthly memberhip shoe program Shoemint.

It was no big surprise to me that Australia took 4 of the top 10 spots in The Economist's World's Most Livable Cities. London and New York fall depressingly low at 53 and 56 on the list.

Tired day

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Maybe, just maybe, I'm feeling that jet lag I thought I wasn't affected by. So I'm off to bed and I hope you enjoy the latest links for today.


Oh my gosh, have you guys seen White on Rice Couple bloggers Diane and Todd's new puppy, Lexi? She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and she is seriously to die for. And while you're there check out this recipe for Brown Butter Pancakes with Glazed Peaches.

I'm not sure I'm totally ready for Autumn just yet, but when I am, I'll be reaching for this tasty looking Pumpkin Pie Granola to mix with yogurt or fresh fruit.

I have bowls filled to bursting with peaches and Caitlin at Roost has given me another way to use them with this recipe for Grilled Summer Squash & Peach Salad with Manchego and White Truffle.

To celebrate the imminent arrival of September, Joy the Baker has put together a really cute back to school giveaway. You could win everything from Joy's cookbook to pencils and notebooks. Even if you're not heading back to school you still deserve a cute package of school supplies.


I love this fall lineup of clothes from Miss Moss. Perfect for the upcoming colder months.

I've mentioned Sole Society before but now you could win 3 pairs of shoes if you participate in this giveaway from Jenny at Little Green Notebook.

Wowza, you have to participate in this giveaway for an amazing collection of favorite things from James at Bleubird. She has curated a wonderful grouping of everything from home goods to children's clothing. And her taste is incredible. What's even better? The giveaway is open to readers worldwide and is worth over $1700!

Interior design:

If you're looking for art to hang on the walls near your dining room table (I am) then heed the advice given today on Apartment 34. My favorite tip is about putting together a gallery so you don't feel all the pressure resting on one giant statement piece.

3 days in London with a 3 year old

Monday, August 20, 2012

That's a scary post title! But really it wasn't that scary. As you probably saw in my earlier post today, London was full of sights, sounds, and smells. It was my second time there, having visited with T 10 years ago but this time I was extra excited to be there at such a historic time in London's history. You could feel the Olympic vibe as you walked around the city and even though the locals were probably glad the events were over, I still felt that air of excitement and global hope for the future.

Other good things: 1) traveling with a 3 year old was not the extreme challenge I thought it would be. It was actually a lot of fun and she adapted easily to the time change and coming back was a breeze (at least it has been so far!). 2) The weather was lovely (we needed sunscreen). 3) We stayed in a great location (near The Tower Bridge) and everything was easily walkable from where we were.


Wish I'd seen this post from The Kitchn on some interesting British beers before I left. I'm putting them on my list to try for my next trip over.

I've never tried the herb vervain but I'm excited to give it a shot with this incredible Summer Peach and Vervain Tart posted by Mimi at Manger.

Yet another reason I need an ice cream maker: Icy Violet has posted some sumptuous looking Red Currant Ice Cream!

Head over to Foodie in Berlin to congratulate her on the birth of her twins, Yasmine and Zoey (how gorgeous are those names?!).

Oh la la, fresh figs =  my most favorite recent food discovery. Drooling over this Brown Sugar Fig and Gorgonzola Crisp from How Sweet it Is.

Interior design:

Love this Berlin house tour on Apartment Therapy.

Head to Peak of Chic for a really awesome giveaway from C Wonder (you just have to live close enough to one to pick up your prize).

John and Sherry at Young House Love have one of their weekly Fab Freebies up today. You could win an entire set of Moen bathroom fixtures. (Prize is worth $1600!)

If you're bemoaning these sluggish days as much as I am, then you'll love this giveaway. Heather at Habitually Chic is offering a Haiku ceiling fan in an assortment of colors and materials. Just leave a comment on her blog to win.


Pick out a necklace from online jewelry store Cheerfully Charmed, let The Daybook know what you would choose and you will be entered to win a piece!

That's it for today, being back is fun. See you again tomorrow.

Dispatches from London

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm baaaaack! London was full of sights and sounds and laughter. Full of Olympic spirit and sunshine (okay you can't really see the sunshine part in the first photo). I'll have a longer post later but here is a quick photo show, mostly from my instagram feed:

Tower Bridge with the Olympic rings

The Shard

View of Tower Bridge through Potters Field

Borough Market

Oh, and in case you were wondering, here is what the dog did while we were gone!

Photo (c) Susan Cava

I missed my little world here on the internet, it's good to be back.

Over the hills and far away

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In just two days I'll be boarding a plane to London. I'm a little frantic about packing my things and traveling by myself with a 3 year old, but other than that I'm crazy excited about this last-minute little trip. And you better believe I'm going to instagram the sh#t out of London, so make sure to follow along with me, username: @dervlakelly or view online via Statigram.

Interior design:

Victoria at SF Girl by Bay found this incredible light-filled home outside of London that is currently being rented out for photo shoots. If I had a million dollars (okay it probably costs a lot more than that) I'd buy it and probably not change a thing!

Going gaga over the colors in this rad beach house over at House of Fifty. It's probably a bit too bright for year-round living but I could definitely see myself kicking back here for the summer. Pinning for my future beach house inspiration.

In celebration of her 3 year blogging anniversary, Ann Marie at White House Black Shutters is giving away a Canon Rebel T3 DSLR! Head over to her blog to enter.

Giveaway for a $500 gift certificate to The Honest Company at Young House Love. Co-founded by Jessica Alba, this home product company is all about the health of the environment and the non-toxic cleanliness of your house. I think there's a lot I could spend $500 on.


Do you look at Beyonce's tumblr? It's just photos of her hanging out with her friends or striking a silly pose in front of objects, but I'm finding it strangely addicting (found via i suwannee).


You might think something called a slab pie wouldn't be too appetizing, but isn't it always the food with the ugly names that turn out to taste the best? I was going to give you some examples but now I can't think of any. I'll be back, I promise. In the meantime, check out this Chocolate Triple Berry Slab Pie from Todd and Diane at White on Rice Couple. It promises to be the most delicious dessert even with that ugly name. Poor slab pie.

Finally, if you've had a rough day, or simply need some peace, head to La Porte Rouge for some breathtaking photographs of foggy days and some beautiful words. I'll see you over there.

Lonny, fruit, and clouds

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just one link today, cause really you only need this one. Lonny's August issue is out! And they've got the beautiful Lauren McGrath of Good Bones, Great Pieces on the cover. She's my author, so I'm slightly biased, but seriously, the cover is pretty rad.

And some photographs to end the week. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Friday, August 10, 2012

There are lots of giveaways today. Hope that's okay with you guys.

Interior design:

Jenny at Little Green Notebook has some good advice for those who are having buyers remorse over their traditional furniture. She says don't get rid of it, just add some quirky or modern art and watch it transform your previously unimpressive room into something interesting and fun. And to make your decorating even easier, she's hosting a giveaway from the huge art resource 20x200. The top winner could walk away with a $200 gift certificate and five others will get a $20 gift certificate.

We are installing some new cabinet doors in our apartment so I could definitely use this giveaway from Effortless Style today for two $50 gift certificates to D. Lawless Hardware. I'd be using it towards some funky door pulls.


Head over to visit Luisa at The Wednesday Chef to hear the official dates for the book tour! I'll be camped outside Powerhouse Books on October 1st with my copy of My Berlin Kitchen.

Certain members of my family enjoy food with a great deal of heat but I'm not sure they've taken their heat love to beer. They'd love to try this recipe at The Kitchn for beer with Sriracha and fresh lime juice. Sounds spicy and refreshing.

Welcome back Roost's Caitlin from her trip to London and Tuscany and while you're there make sure you check out her gorgeous photos of Highclere Castle (aka Downton Abbey).

Fig season is woefully short. Is it already done? All I know is figs were at Whole Foods one minute and the next they were gone. Literally gone in minutes. But if I can get my hands on another pint of them I'll use them for this Fig and Arugula Flatbread from the always creative Love and Lemons.


There's no other way to say this except: eeeeee yayyyyy! Want to win $300 to spend on JCrew jewelry? Yeah, I thought so. Enter at Cup of Jo.

I'm drooling over the latest issue of Rue. They are focused on Texas this time and it certainly doesn't disappoint with stunning interiors and great interviews.

I'm looking forward to another weekend in Pennsylvania with its lush greenery, summer corn, and shady gardens. In between blueberry picking and swimming I'm also planning on curling up with the very first issue of the stunning Gather Journal. Have you checked that out yet?

Down and out

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I was felled, people, felled by a 24 hour virus of some sort. It left me wheeling and dizzy and I'm only coming up for air now. Eating is a sort of trepidatious (is this a word?) affair and all I've had since Sunday is some measly oatmeal. Despite my nausea, I have a roundup of food posts for you today, aren't you proud of me? I do it all for you.


If I was into eating (and I had a barbeque), I'd love to try out this Grilled Red Snapper posted on Sweet Paul. Eaten with just a nice green salad, it would certainly be a refreshing meal.

Another great way to ease back into eating again would be to try this Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup from Tartelette.

And then when I'm at my tippy top best and ready for sugar again, I'll be making this amazing Cardamom Brown Sugar Cake with Fresh Cherries and Rose Cream from Eva at Adventures in Cooking.

Interior design:

I almost didn't tell you about this one. You see, I want to win this pair of foo dogs for myself! But, fine, here you go. Head over to House of Turquoise to enter to win a pair of these adorable guys from Shop Ten 25.


I love this Tumblr of objects found by Maura while she runs (found via Design Mom).

If you don't already have a copy of Nichole's beautiful book, Paris in Color, then head to her site by Monday to enter to win a signed copy!

Ever since I worked on Lara Spencer's book I Brake for Yard Sales I've wanted to head to the Rose Bowl flea market and find some awesome deals. Well, you can bet I'm entering this competition at Emily Henderson's site to win an all-expenses-paid trip to LA and $250 cash to spend at LA's hottest flea market!

On the plus side of being sick, I did manage to watch almost the entire fourth season of Breaking Bad on Netflix. Wow, that show just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? 'Till tomorrow!

P.S. This is my 100th post! So yayy for that too.

Olympic love

Friday, August 3, 2012

I have this childhood memory of being allowed to stay up to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. It must have been the 1988 Seoul Olympics. I remember my parents allowed us to sleep in the living room in sleeping bags and we were woken up for the opening ceremonies or for particularly exciting parts of the games. My eight year old mind was boggled by the thought of being allowed to sleep in the living room! In a sleeping bag! On a deck chair!

There's no sleeping on a deck chair this time around but there is a great deal of 2am TV watching, and I'm loving this Olympics so far. I find myself looking forward to the evening when I can sit down and catch up on the day's events. I resist the urge to look at the results throughout the day so that I am unaware of who wins and can truly enjoy my nighttime viewing. London has pulled out all the stops and created a really incredible event. Have you seen the colorful and futuristic shooting range designed by Magma Architecture? Also, aren't the USA women's gymnastics team wearing the coolest leotards? Read more about them at Buzzfeed.

Interior design:

Another wonderful cottage was featured on Remodelista today. This time it's on the shores of Lake Huron in Canada and has the prettiest white painted floors and striped bedding. I must live there.

Check out this amazing airstream trailer makeover on Design Sponge today. Makes me want to go glamping pronto.


We don't really maintain a bar beyond a few dusty bottles in a kitchen cabinet, and perhaps a few opened ones that have been in the fridge for an embarrassingly long time. I'd like to start assembling one. Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere has put together some helpful tips for you to build a well-stocked home bar.

If you don't want to make an alcoholic drink for your visitors then rely on this refreshing Honey Lavender Soda put together by Victoria on A Subtle Revelry today.


It's hard not to tear up when you read this beautiful post on This is Glamorous about the love story of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal. Complete with photographs from their early years until she passed away in 2009 (in Ryan's arms) this post is sure to coax some feelings out of even the toughest of us.

Head to Design Mom to enter a jewelry giveaway from Gwen Delicious Jewelry. You could win one of two necklaces valued at over $140.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Remember that grilled peach pizza I linked to yesterday? Well, I made it for dinner tonight and it rocked my world. Seriously. The only thing I was missing was fresh basil, but the taste didn't suffer. I may have even elbowed my husband aside so I could grab the last two slices.


I also made this avocado salad covered on Cup of Jo today to accompany the pizza. Cold and salty, it was the perfect accompaniment to the hot sweetness of the pizza.

There are some beautiful looking Peanut Butter Honey Cupcakes at A Beautiful Mess. Emma made them for a baby shower, and they do look like the sweetest little things and would be perfect for a special event.

I'm thinking about participating in the Twelve Loaves challenge presented by Jamie at Life's a Feast. It's a monthly baking challenge where you bake one loaf a month and post about it. I have until the end of the month to participate and the first month's theme is bread with summer fruit. I may just repeat Jamie's gorgeous cherry chocolate chip maple challah bread.


Camila at Effortless Style is gifting $40 to spend at Posh Locket, a super cute jewelry company. You just have to pin something from their site and then tell Camila what you pinned and you'll be entered to win!

So many bloggers have the dream of turning a blog from a passionate hobby into a full time earning situation. If you're in that boat then you will definitely enjoy Joanna's post today on blogging as a career. She gives her background and even links to her first post which was really interesting to read.

Interior design:

You don't always need a lot of space to relax. So today I'm dreaming about this tiny little cabin in the pacific northwest seen on Remodelista. The whole thing is only one room and even the shower is outside!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bear with me while I find my blog design footing. I hope you like the new header photo. It's one I took during my 4 week photography class at Bella Pop. I'm taking the natural light one which starts in a few days so hopefully I'll have more to share with you.


Check out Bake or Break today for a Salted Caramel Icebox Pie that only involves 10 minutes of bake time (the time it takes for the crust to cook).

More goodies at Bakerella with some decadent looking Chocolate Swirl Biscuits.

Head to the savory side of the menu with this Grilled Peach Pizza from the super cute site, Say Yes to Hoboken.

Interior design:

Win some cute felt storage bins from Land of Nod at I Heart Organizing.

I loved this list of Emily Henderson's top 24 interior design books. From aspirational to attainable, she's covered it all for your design library.

Holly Becker at Decor8 reveals the cover of her next book. Looking forward to adding this one to my collection. It's available for pre-order now.

Dr. Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, died of pancreatic cancer on Monday 7/20. Take a few moments (if you have an NY Times account) to read her obituary - it gives you a new perspective on what women had to deal with in the male-dominated space industry of the 1980s. They probably still have to deal with a certain level of this sexism today.


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